Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Memorial Day

  1. What is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.

  1. When is it?
The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May.

  1. What are some ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day?
  2. Make a soldier’s day by writing a thank-you card or note to send overseas,Show honor and respect by visiting a local veteran’s cemetery, or war memorial,Visit and take cookies to a nearby Veteran’s hospital,Go to a Memorial Day Parade or watch the National Memorial Day Parade on television,Enjoy freedom by spending time with your family.

  1. James A. Garfield delivered a rather lengthy speech at the first Memorial Day ceremony Of course then it was still called Decoration Day, and at the time, Garfield was a Civil War General and Republican Congressman, not yet a President. On May 30, 1868, he addressed the several thousand people gathered at Arlington National Cemetery. “If silence is ever golden,” Garfield said, “it must be beside the graves of 15,000 men, whose lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem the music of which can never be sung.

  1. what are few things you will do on memorial day to show honor and respect?
  2. Salute the sacrifice of vets at the National Memorial Day Concert,Stroll down the National Mall,Observe the Flag-In during Memorial Day Weekend.

Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day.JPG

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