Friday, November 6, 2015

He that walks with wise me shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Proverbs 13:20

What this means to me is that if you decide to hang out with good and intelligent people chances are you can become one of them. Why? Because they get good examples. You wake them good skills. You will be able to make your mother proud, looking to get his high school diploma That's a given instance id for this appointment. Another example ID given to the bad side is that if you get together with people that match and smoke and drink chances are you'll end up like them. You will have a miserable life maybe even homeless. You can go with them to a party and have sex with some random girl and the next thing you know you are pregnant. You do not want, especially if you are young like me. It is very difficult to live like this because my brother's like he's got her own child, but look and that's not right well that it is based on my opinion. That's my experience too, so think about it, because if it does will end up a junkie. That's why they do such children because when I grow up I want to be a good example for my son. I can seem like the kind of kids that do this, but trust, I am not.

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